Tuesday, June 16, 2009


It is time for my little baby to move to a big boy bed. We got this great trundel bed from some of our friends at church (thanks Glads). For the last couple of nights Zachary has been sleeping in this new bed. Adam LOVES having a bunk mate. The first night Zach wouldn't stay in bed so we started to put him in his crib in the other room. Adam would not have it. He protested this by getting in front of Zachary's crib with arms extended yelling "NO! You can't put him in his crib. He needs to be in my crib! Put HIM BACK!"
I was afraid of Adam not liking Zachary being in his room and feel like it was an intrusion. To my heart's delight it was just the oppisite.
The brothers have been having a great time. Adam chatters to Zach, and then we can hear the little patter of little feet exicuting their plans. Their 8:00 p.m. bed time hasn't been obeayed at all but they are having a great time being brothers. I absolutly LOVE it.


Becca said...

Oh! What sweet brothers! I'm so glad my boys like sharing a room, too. I hope that they always will. Those beds look amazing, by the way--sweet hookups!!!

Lindsay said...

Sounds like they are SUCH good friends! How sweet! I wish my boys were like that with each other......most of the time they are fighting and my oldest son can't WAIT to be apart from the youngest......very sad, I know.

Chad and Amy Hatfield said...

I've missed you Jenalyn! Thanks for posting and keeping us updated on your family. Poor Josh is still at his old tricks. He needs to rest a little more. Your boys are getting so big and you are such a great mom. I can tell you are patient and allow their minds to grow.