Sunday, June 17, 2012


Andrew took his first steps a few days after his birthday on March 25th and has been really working on it since.  At thirteen months he walked across the room.  I absolutely love when my kids start walking it is such a cute time.  I love the expression of excitement and accomplishment on Andrew's face as he walks to me.  there is now greater joy than being a mom.

I'm pretty sure that Andrew has been saying some words.  Today when Zachary walked past, Andrew saw him and said "Sak".  So Sweet!
He also says "DaDee = Daddy, Ada = Adam, U Da = all done (he can sign that one)."  I think that he has said "Mama" but it has only been once or twice.  If he wants my attention he just screams, wines, or cries.  why say mom when those get the job done.

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