Saturday, June 19, 2010


Adam came home from church on Sunday with a couple of pictures. One that was titled "blessed are the peacemakers" and the picture that he had below was our family. The other hand out that he had was a frowny face that you could turn upside down and make a smile face. he showed me the face and sang the song "turn that frown upside down."

I asked him about his pictures and as he explained to me I thought this would make a great lesson. We found Matt 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God." I marked the scripture with one of his bakugan cards.

We took our oppertunity to have Family Home Eevening. Adam had the floor to teach us about peacemakers. I handed him the scripture to read, he went to reach for the distracting bakugan card and I seezed it. That made him a little upset but he let it pass.

During the lesson I gave Adam and Zachary examples of peacemaker/not peacemaker. So I would say "is biting being a peacemaker?" Everyone would respond "Noooo". "Is sharing toys being a peacemaker?" "Yessss." Then Adam took a turn at this little game. Starting off with some easy ones he said "Mom, is biting, kicking, hitting, being a peacemaker? Mom, is taking bakugan card being a peacemaker?"

It took me a second to relized what he had just devised. I was impressed with his cleverness. Definatly his father's son. I was busted. I smiled and gave him back his card. What a smart boy.


Becca said...

Hahaha! Jena, that is a very funny story! That Adam sure is a smart little guy.

Can't wait to see you guys!

Clark Family said...

He is so bright. It is amazing what kids hold inside those little heads. They are so much smarter than credit is ever given.