Monday, November 3, 2008

Adam was all spiderman out. He was so stoked that he got to ware his costume to school. He come home with a huge bag of goodies and lots of stories to tell me. I love pre-school. I sometimes think that we should have put him in for three days a week instead of two.


Becca said...

My spidey-sense is tingling!

Sweet costume, Adam!

Happy Halloween, Engstroms!

(What was Zach for Halloween?)

Becky said...

I remember wearing my costumes to school every year. It was so fun except my parents were so cheap that we usually had a homemade witch costume that was made out of a black garbage bag. No lie. Adam is super lucky to get such a cool costume.

Chrislynn said...

He looks so tough, ready to go fight crime with his backpack and sippy cup. Little R just looked over my shoulder and said "THAT'S SPIDERMAN!" So fun.