Tuesday, November 4, 2008


If you can't tell Zachary is a spider and Adam is Spiderman. We got some friends to come over and go with us. The older boys had a great time running form house to house with each other and inbetween houses throwing webs. Zachary loved the candy!


Kearl said...

I can't believe how good you are at scrap booking. It's really smart to just put your pages on your blog (2 for 1). Some day...

al said...

Hey Jena,
I don't really look at blogs much, but I decided to look you up. I'm curious how is Zachary doing? I guess he's OK because now he's a spider. Sounds like it was a very difficult couple of days for you guys, though.
You're kind of a digital scrapbooking freak aren't you! I mean, look at all those pages of perfectly cropped and backgrounded images. Hee hee. It lookd very cool.
I love you Jena. email me at allen.renfroe@monsanto.com (I don't care who sees it).

Joanna said...

Cute spiderman! We had a power ranger and a superman for halloween. It is good to see your bright smiley face again! Check us out on www.mcintirefamily.blogspot.com. Love Joanna (Husted) McIntire

Ben and Kristen said...

So good to reconnect with you! Your family is precious and you look great!!!!