For the last three day were have been in the Pediatric ICU with Zachary. He started having problems breathing on Wed. night and through the night it progressed untill he was really struggling to breath. His whole chest would concaved as he stuggled to inhale. I took him to the ER close to us and when the Dr. saw him her eyes widened and she started calling out orders quickly. This was pretty alarming to me. They started him on breathing treatments and did a bunch of tests. When there were putting the IV in Zach really didn't move, he just went to sleep. Again the Dr. explained to me that this wasn't good and tried to wake him up. We then were rushed to St. Peter's hospital in New Brunswick (30min away) in an ambulance during rush hour traffic. It really helped that the driver was from New York City and drove like it too. That was an exciting trip.
Once we were there in PICU they put tubes under his nose and give him a mixter of helium and oxegen. they did a bunch more test and hooked him up on a lot of machines. Every limb had somthing on it. Every time he woke up he was frightened. It was hard for me to see my baby that way. After a day and night on these treatments he improved greatly and by Friday they took him off of the heliox and that night he was up and eating. Saturday they took the iv out and we were able to bring him home this afternoon.
This experience has really holed us realize what we're are thankful for. How fragile life is and how fast things can change. I'm glad that Josh chose the more expensive insurence plan.
I'm thankful for preisthood blessings, friends that care and help, family for their concern and prayers, hospitals, meds, doctors, and nurses.
I am so glad he is doing better! I am sorry that you had to go through all this. Let me know if you need anything.
Oh my goodness! I'm so happy that he is doing better. What did they tell you caused this problem? Was there a diagnosis? We will be praying for little Zach to get fully better asap.
Wow! What a roller coaster! The picture of him asleep in the hospital is the sweetest heart wrenching thing ever. Is he completely over it now? Have you recovered? I don't think I would put him down for a while! I still hold on to Michael a little longer than normal sometimes since his diagnosis.
Yes, Zachary is better. He is still a little weak and tired but other than that he is fine. It was a virus that caused it. It just came on really fast.
Jena! That's awful. I'm so glad he's ok and that you're home. Did they find out what was causing the problems?
Oh my goodness!!! I am so glad things turned out alright. I can only imagine how frightening that must have been!!! Thank goodness for good doctors and good insurance!
I'm glad everything turned out okay! That reminds me of when Jonathon was 1 year and 2 days old, I took him to the doctor for a well visit and got sent to the hospital instead. He had bronchiolitis and was in the hospital for 3 days. He had to sleep in an oxygen tent in a crib. He had an IV hooked up to his wrist, but they encased his whole forearm with a splint so that it wouldn't come out. Ahhh, memories that make you grateful for a usually healthy life!
Wow. That is very scary. I am glad he is feeling better!
That is so scary. I would have probably peed my pants right there when they said we needed to go away in an ambulance. I'm glad he's better.
Looking at those pictures really made a grandma sad. So glad he is doing better. Love to all.
So happy he is better and you, josh and adam made it through fine too! Love ya' all! (lol)
It's just not fair that he had to get sick. Claire thinks her prayers single handedly made him better!
poor kid has gone through so much lately!! Sad. I am glad to hear he is doing alright! Miss you guys!
That is so sad. Good job taking him into the ER It's hard to know if you're just being paranoid, but you obviously listened to your instincts. I'm so glad he's doing well. You're both so brave! Also, I love your dining room set...beautiful!
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