Check out Adam and all of his fun costumes. He is at a really fun stage where he likes to get in to character. Halloween has been especially fun to get ready for. there is not a day that goes buy that Adam doesn't get into his new Spiderman costume. Zachary likes to join in on the fun and put on a few hats.
Becca, thanks for letting us barrow your chaps for so long. We loved them.

Looks at how cute Zach is in his army helmet.

This is his favorite and best costume. Adam puts his spiderman suit on everyday. It is the first thing that he looks for in the morning (besides breakfast). He goes to the park, store and every where in it. He gets a lot of attention from the neighbors, which is a lot of fun. He totally goes into character when he puts on the mask, and when he takes it off he says to me "look mommy I'm Adam."

When we got Zach's spider costume in the mail Adam just had to put it on. Anything that has to do with Spiderman is automatically cool and that includes spiders.
I am so glad you are back! You will have to post about your "awesome" Summer sometime. It is good to see that you are all doing good.
Your kids are too darn cute. I think it will be fun when James gets to the age where he wants to get dressed up. Now he "runs" away whenever he is naked. It is favorite state to be in. Utter nakedness. He is so my kid!
I love it! Adam is such a character, even when he isn't dressed like one.
I tried to e-mail you the pics I took last week, but my computer wasn't cooperating that day. I'll get them to you some day.
Glad to have you back in the blogging world. I was just wondering what happened to you. You're boys are so similar to mine it's funny. Noah can't leave without a cape or sword or something. Everyday he's putting on a different dress-up. And you got to love little brother trying so hard to be big.
We bought that spiderman costume for Jackson's birthday. I'm so glad you're back in the blogging world. You will do a great job in YW's. Your boys keep looking more and more alike. And you look wonderful too!
Love all of the pictues of Adam! He is so super cute!!
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