So I haven't posted for a long time as you can see. I realized that my last post was right before I was called to be the Young Women's President at church. Ever since then I have been either out of town on vacation (our summer was awesome) or doing YW stuff. I am so thankful for my new responsibility with the YW. They are great! I love being with them and the other leaders. It gives me an outlet and I feel my life being enriched.
Our boys are doing great. We have been having fun this Autum going apple & pumpkin picking at the local farms. We are in a great part of NJ every where we turn there is another farm to visit or park to go to. Here are a couple of pics of our recent adventures.
Yeah, you're back! I'm glad you're enjoying serving in young women's. Your boys are getting so big. How fun that you have so many costumes for them to dress up in.
I'm glad you're back! Yes, we are moving to Fort Meade, Maryland. How close is that to you? I am so excited to live so close to all of that history!
I think our kids would love it if we still lived next door. My girls are prancing around in princess and angel clothes every day and they would love a prince or ninja to protect them.
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