Sunday, November 4, 2012

Super Storm

We got back from our Hilton Head vacation just in time to prepare our home for the expected hurricane.  Josh had a conference in Pittsburgh and had plans to be gone for a few days.  He didn't want to leave us behind to face the high winds and possible damage that they were predicting alone.  Making the decision to go with him for me was kind of hard.  the news always makes things sound worse than they really are or going to be and everyone around us didn't really seem to think that it was going to be a big deal.  So I prayed about what we should do.  I was worried about the kids missing school and what about Halloween and my responsibilities to the school.....every time after we prayed we received promptings to go to Pittsburgh.  The first couple of times it was a phone call from Parents giving us council and the last time that I received an answer to my prayers was a call from the school saying that school was canceled.  After that last answer I put myself in gear and we got out in an hour. 

300 Miles away from home and still in the reach of Hurricane Sandy.
We stayed in Pittsburgh for a whole week.  The storm was worse than they predicted and it took several lives and destroyed over 73,000 homes in New Jersey alone.  We were very fortunate to get away with just a downed branch lost power from the house and lost food from the freezer and fridge.  Other than those small losses we were fine.  While we were away our neighbors said they would look after our lil pets but when because the power was down they couldn't get into our house through the garage (like they had been doing).  So for a week our fish and hamster survived with out care.  I prayed that they would be ok and I know that Heaven Father answered my prayers.  I full expected for the fish to be dead at least one of them but they were fine.  It just goes to show that what ever is important to you (your children) it is important to Heavenly Father.  I feel like our pets being a live was our family's miracle. 

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