Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas Eve

The boys woke up to Grandaddy and Nana being here. They were so excited! They spent a good amount of time familiarizing their Grandparents with their things. They formed a pile of presented toys and costumes in the hall way where Grandaddy sat with his full attention on them. Adam and Zachary ate up their Nana's praises and Grandaddy's intrest and excitement. It was so nice to have those simple moments with my parents being with my children. I don't get many of those and so I thought it was worth remembering.

Those first moments really set the tone for the whole visit: relaxing, pleasant, & fun. We took the morning slow. When Josh got home from work we all went to a Christmas Eve matene movie. We saw "The princess and the frog" not my favorite disney movie. It was one of those that anything good in the movie you already saw it in the previews. Both Josh and Grandaddy fell asleep during the film. However the boys seemed to enjoy it and it did make the day go by quickly.

We came home to a clam cowder meal. It used to be tradition in my family but I don't think that I'm going to keep it any more. On account that you gain 1/2 of the Holiday weight in that meal alone! Wow, that stuff is fatting and not worth it. Now, on the other hand a steak dinner......that is worth it!

We went on to having another lesson about baby Jesus, and we opened up our jammies (that I made). We slipped the boys in their jammies and read "T'was the Night Before Christmas". It was pretty picture perfect for my family. Zachary payed no attention to anything. He just ran around being hiped up on sugar and lack of sleep. Adam behaved pretty good. He really didnt' want to stop at the jammies present. He kept on saying "umm, I want to open five presents." It was cute. When we told him that if he didn't go to bed Santa wouldn't be able to bring him his presents (nerf vulcan gun) he quickly went upstairs.
Because Nana and Grandaddy were here they called Kevin in Tokyo and I got to be in on the conversation. SO SO nice to be able to talk with him and hear how the mission experience is for him. I can tell that he is just blazing through that Japanese. I'm so proud of him.


Worthy Glover Sr. or Gail Glover said...

What a great Christmas Eve! We used the same trick to get our kids to bed, telling them Santa couldn't come until they went to sleep. It worked like a charm.

Richie misses Adam and I miss you!

Chrislynn said...

That was me, by-the-way, I guess my mom was logged into blogger, and I didn't notice before I published my comment.