I am one lucky girl. I hear my friends talk about their in-laws and the things and awkward moments that they have to endure. That is not the case with me. I get so excited when Grandma and Grandpa Engstrom come for a visit. They are wonderful. The boys go ballistic with wrestling on Grandpa, Grandma cooks/bakes up a storm. Zachary announced that "Grandma is a good cooker. She cooks better than you Mom." It is true she is better than me and I love to eat what she makes. The most memorable was the cinnamon twist roll bread.
We made a list of places that we wanted to go while they were here. The weather was super nice so we got out and did almost everything that was on the list. First we went to Valley Forge while the boys were in school. The weather was amazing. I think my favorite part of the driving tour was the house that Washington stayed in. We were told by the park ranger there that family didn't want to except rent from General Washington. It reminded me how much people gave to the cause of Liberty and how much people sacrificed.
Friday Kevin and Jo left early to go into the city for a bus & boat tour. When Adam and Zachary woke up they immediately asked for Grandma and Grandpa. I told them that they were gone for the day and they were so upset. Zachary heard a little nose and thought it was them...."I think I hear them, Gr-aan-dma! where are you." I thought it was so sweet.
Saturday was Christmas Eve. It is one of my family traditions (to help pass the day along) we go out to a movie, then to an early dinner and then read the Christmas story from Luke 2. I got a big group of friends together for the day's activities. It was really nice to be with everyone and to share this special time with friends and family. We read the nativity at the Nell's home and the kids had a great time dressing up as shepherds and such and then acting out. We visited, played, and said our good-byes. We finished up our family tradition of opening one gift ( the pj gift) and then got ready for bed.
Christmas was really nice this year. I was pretty demanding that I get to watch everyone open their gifts (since I thought about, searched for, shopped for, bought, and wrapped each one.) I really enjoyed seeing everyone open up their toys or their favorite chocolate. We enjoyed the morning with each other. Grandma whipped up breakfast the night before; cinnamon twist pull-a-part bread. It was amazing! The big gifts this year were the new couch form Grandma and Grandpa E., Daddy got a new phone (that can do everything and more), I got a new kindle fire tablet, Adam got what he desired spiderman web shooter and the claw zord, Zachary got the octozord and a new stuffed dog, and Andrew got a ball popper. After church we just got ready for Christmas dinner and played with toys.
Monday: we took off to see the statue of Liberty. The weather prediction was right on that day it said that it would start raining about 12:00 and that is exactly what happened. We were able to do most of our outing before it got bad but we were hit with cold winds as we were waiting for the ferry to take us back to New Jersey. Other than the weather turning on us it was a pleasant trip. The boys as always enjoyed the boat ride and loved being with their Grandparents. We got a really good picture of all of the family in front of the NYC skyline.
Tuesday's adventure was a split effort. Grandma and Grandpa went to Morris Town to see some more history sites and we took the boys to an indoor amusement park. We went for the bumper cars and Zachary was just an inch too short. There were tears but he got over it when he got to go on a roller ride. Andrew took a good snooze in the car and then fully enjoyed the rides that he got to sit on.
Wednesday we spent at Princeton campus. We walked around for a little while and looked at some of the buildings it is a beautiful campus we all thought it looked like Hogwarts from the "Harry Potter" movies. After lunch we got some cupcakes at a place that won "cupcakes wars" on the food network. I admit it was the best cupcake that I have ever had. The boys claimed that the cupcakes were their favorite part of the day.
Thursday New Year's Eve and last day with Grandma and Grandpa. We ended our 2011 by going to the beach for a picnic. It was a really nice mild day and everyone loved the fresh Jersey air.
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