Saturday, June 23, 2012
Training Wheeless
So we convinced Zachary to try to ride his bike with out the training wheels. We got him all geared up just we did Adam a few weeks ago and got his bike all ready to go but he got a little scared and hopped off ripped off all of the pads and told us that he wasn't going to do it. We went took a break and played for a little while then took another wack at it. He got it first try!!!! Four years old and can ride his bike with out training wheels. Way to go Zach!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Adam's Birthday
Adam turns 7!
Before Adam learned to ride a bike without training wheels I told him that I would buy him a new bigger bike (since he had grown out of the one that he had). I thought that the process would have taken a little longer than it did. He literally got on the bike with some extra padding and took off. I was so SO happy and relieved. So I had to make good on my promise and I found out that a new bike was going to be about $100+. So I said a little prayer and went garage saling. The first one that I went to had a brand new red 20" wheel bike sitting in the front for $25. I couldn't park my car fast enough. I love a good find.
So Adam's birthday fell on the last day of school this year. Never a better day in a kids life the last day of school and your birthday. The whole day was one big party. He started the day of opening his presents, partying at school, coming home going to pick out his new fish friends, and then two of his best buddies got to come for a sleep over. We played in the yard, with new guns, light sabers, they had pizza, cool cups, cake, presents, movie, and bed. Since the only thing that Adam and Zachary have been watching during their media time is Phineas & Ferb that was the natural and Adam's choice theme of the party and day. I picked him up from school with a giant Phineas and Ferb balloon boquet and themed presents, cups etc... It was really cute. I think that the day of his birthday he changed his mind about P&F because he didn't seam that excited about it anymore.
Happy Birthday Adam
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Andrew took his first steps a few days after his birthday on March 25th and has been really working on it since. At thirteen months he walked across the room. I absolutely love when my kids start walking it is such a cute time. I love the expression of excitement and accomplishment on Andrew's face as he walks to me. there is now greater joy than being a mom.
I'm pretty sure that Andrew has been saying some words. Today when Zachary walked past, Andrew saw him and said "Sak". So Sweet!
He also says "DaDee = Daddy, Ada = Adam, U Da = all done (he can sign that one)." I think that he has said "Mama" but it has only been once or twice. If he wants my attention he just screams, wines, or cries. why say mom when those get the job done.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
That's a wrap!
Field Day:
L-R Matt, Adam, Zachary, Alison, Andrew, & a cutie |
The first grad put on a little play that they did in their class room and Adam was the Jungle boy he had a line or two that he did. It was really cute they had made their own costumes and made all of their own decorations.
Zachary's pre-school graduation June 13th. Little squishy Zach is done with Preschool! Ahhh. He was a lot of fun to watch at his graduation. It was long though and I found out why he was so tired when he came home becuase they were exersizing these little guys trying to get them ready for what looked like a dance recitel. It was cute but 13 songs was too much. The last day of School is just around the cornner and I'm thinking where did the time go.
T-Ball wrap up:
What a wonderful first experience for Adam and Zach. I feel really lucky that we got some great coaches.
Adam and Zach learned so much from them.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
That is why we call him Goobs.......
We took off to the beach late in the afternoon thinking that if we got there after 4:30 we wouldn't have to pay to get on the beach. We were almost right so not wanting to pay full price for just 20min until it would be free we chose to get ice cream on the boardwalk. Andrew's first ice cream cone. At first I was trying to jot let him get dirty and help him out. Some how I relented and just handed all control over to my little one. He mutilated it and I'm not sure if any of the ice cream even made it down his throat because it was all over his body. His shirt was saturated in chocolate ice cream.
It was a perfect beach evening the tide was out and there were lots of shallow pools to splash in and run through. Adam and Zachary had a good time in the water.
It was a perfect beach evening the tide was out and there were lots of shallow pools to splash in and run through. Adam and Zachary had a good time in the water.
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